Forty years ago Gateway Beyond worker Morris was living with his parents and preparing to go to South Asia for the first time. He was busy packing when his mother said, “Sit down, I want to talk to you.”

Morris’ mother then shared a startling revelation. “You know I have supported you in your decision to do God’s work where he has called you.” Morris nodded and she continued. “Before you were born the doctors told me I could not have children. But I prayed that God would give us a child and that child I would dedicate for God’s work.”

“A year later you were born.”

And now, reflecting on 40 years of ministry in South Asia Morris says, “I see the result of one woman’s prayer – my mother’s – uttered in desperation nearly 68 years ago manifest in the lives of people in South Asia who have come to know God as their heavenly Father through faith in the risen, living Saviour. And I, along with others, have had the privilege of being a part of that process.”