Opp Shop

Helping you with everyday items


You’ll find good quality and affordable clothing and household goods at Gateway’s Opp Shops.

Find out about our Opp Shop sales!  Sign up for our Opp Shop sale-mails. 

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1052 Mount Gravatt Capalaba Road


Phone: 32917 5938

Open Hours:

Tuesday: 9am-3pm
Wednesday: 9am-3pm
Thursday: 9am-4pm
Friday: 9am-3pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm


Unit 1, 18 Blanck Street, Ormeau

Open Hours:

Wednesday: 9am-12pm
Thursday: 12pm-3pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm

On Track

Get Back On Track

We’re here to help you and your family get back on track. As well as practical help, our On Track team will journey alongside you with friendship and care. When you join our three month On Track program we’ll help you with life skills and provide food parcels, resources for your home, and vouchers to purchase items from the Gateway Mackenzie Opp Shop.

Our On Track team is based at Gateway Mackenzie. To join our On Track program please book by calling 3291 5946 (Wednesday and Thursday mornings only) or email us for more information.

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A COACH to cheer your family on

Would you and your family like to have a coach on the sideline cheering you on and helping you with advice and strategies?

A COACH mentor will walk alongside you as you journey through loneliness, family breakdown, long term unemployment, early school leaving, addictions, isolation or homelessness. Your COACH mentor is a ‘friend with purpose’ and they will meet with you regularly for a chat and to offer advice and suggestions to help you move forward. Email us for more information.

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Royal Treatment

Breaking the silence of domestic violence

Every month, our Royal Treatment team supports, pampers and shows love to women who are in or escaping domestic violence. Each woman who comes to Royal Treatment is welcomed by our lovely team, served a beautiful homemade morning tea and pampered with a free haircut, massage, manicure or facial while we care for their children.

We show every woman that regardless of her circumstances she is loved and valuable to God. For more information about Royal Treatment phone Angela on 0431 330 248.

If you are experiencing domestic violence and need help now, please call D.V. Connect on 1800 811 811.

Our Volunteers
“The people we volunteer alongside each week are a real family to us and that’s very important.”

No use-by date

“Just because you are retired or older,” says Gateway Care volunteer Ros Elms, “doesn’t mean you have a use-by date in God’s kingdom.” When Ros and her husband Len retired nearly three years ago, they continued their lifelong practice of volunteering time and skills to their church community. “Being part of the Gateway Care team is like being part of a family. If you are sitting at home and not getting out, you miss out on the camaraderie of being part of a team.”

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