Join us as we read through the book of Ephesians


About this teaching series

How we understand our identity has significant ramifications for how we live, how we relate to others and society, how we understand morality and how we approach the most sacred issues of life. Fundamentally, identity shapes our vision of what it means to be human.

In the book of Ephesians, Paul writes a clear message that our identity should not be found in the surrounding culture, but ‘in Christ’, to be ‘in Christ’ changes everything. It changes where true power is located; where love is to be found; where true joy is discovered; and what community you are embraced into. The best news of this new identity is that it graciously given to us through the wonderful redeeming work of Jesus.

Each week we will discover a ‘true identity’ to remember about ourselves.


About the series resources

To help you grow in and be reminded of your identity in Christ, there are a variety of resources we’ve created for you to engage with the truth of scripture during this teaching series, from phone wallpapers, life group discussion guides, and new short videos going deeper on each week’s topic.

Identity video series

Each week of the Identity series, a short video that summarises the topic will be published below. We encourage you to watch this with your life group, family or group of friends and then discuss the provided questions.

Week one – I am chosen

Scripture: Ephesians 1:1–14

Discussion questions:

  • What spiritual blessings do you see at work in your life?
  • What implications does being adopted into God’s family have for our lives?
  • What is His pleasure and will for your life? What would you say your purpose in life is?

Week two – I am saved

Scripture: Ephesians 2:3-5

Discussion questions:

  • Paul says we are dead in our sin. While this is a hard truth, why is it important that we acknowledge and confess this?
  • How do you define grace? Share how you’ve seen God’s grace in your life.
  • Paul also says we are God’s handiwork. Spend some time encouraging one another around the unique characteristics you see in each other.

Week three – I am loved

Scripture: Ephesians 3:16–19

Discussion questions:

  • Describe what being ‘rooted and established in love’ looks like for you in your everyday life.
  • How often do you slip into finding your worth in what you do rather than who you are as a beloved child of God?
  • What practices/disciplines can you start to be sure you keep coming back to the foundation of ‘I am loved’?

Week four – I am family

Scripture: Ephesians 4:2-5

Discussion questions:

  • What does unity look like even when we have disagreement or different perspectives in the family of God?
  • What part of the body do you see yourself as? What is your unique gift/contribution to the body of believers?
  • Ephesians 4:17-32 has a list of instructions for Christian living. Which attribute stands out to you most and why?

Week five – I am holy

Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-20

Discussion questions:

  • Why does Paul say that making the most of every opportunity is wise? What might these opportunities look like and how can you seek them out?
  • Why is personal holiness so important to life with Jesus?

Week six – I am sent

Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-12

Discussion questions:

  • If Paul was writing about the armour of God in today’s context, what examples might he use instead?
  • What are some examples of rulers, authorities, powers and spiritual forces we fight against today?
  • What focuses you to keep looking outward to serve, rather than inward to your own selfish desires?

Share your story or testimony from this series

We would love to hear testimonies or stories of how God is working in you throughout our Identity series, perhaps from a special moment in a service, a miracle or the impact of a life group discussion. Let us know by clicking the ‘Share your story’ button below.

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