Our 30+ Gateway Beyond workers are following Jesus into more than 15 countries around the world.  They teach, disciple, heal and rescue people who then influence and impact families, communities, nations and the world.

Make it your mission to Pray - Go - Give
We’re speaking the name of Jesus in places it has never been heard

The mountains and valleys of this particular part of South East Asia are a place of natural beauty, but pain and suffering lurk in the darkness and shadows. This region’s major industries are agriculture, plus a black market trade that includes human trafficking, drugs and civil conflict. Despite its vast resource wealth and recent political change, this region is shackled by the world’s longest running civil conflict. Two Gateway Beyond workers have MADE IT THEIR MISSION to GO and share the light of Jesus among the unreached. “Many people here have never even heard the gospel. You can go into valleys and say Jesus’ name and it’s the first time it’s ever been spoken there,” they say. Their team minister to over 1,600 people each year. They are developing the first self-study Bible study material in the local language, and are teaching, discipling and equipping more than 200 believers through 50+ churches to share the life changing message of Jesus with their family, friends and communities. Read more stories from Gateway Beyond workers our monthly Going Beyond e-news.

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Our Gateway Beyond workers


South Asia - Equipping Mother Tongue Bible Translators through Teaching English

Brent and Celia Southcombe

USA - Providing vocational training in at-risk communities


South Asia - Giving hope through transformational community development

Rob and Liz

Asia - Transformational development, teaching, discipling and equipping people in partnership with the local church

Lyndal Brunner

Thailand - Transforming communities

Ainsley Winten

Uganda - Providing hope and a future for street boys


Asia Pacific - Capacity building mission leaders

Andrew and Anne Wright

Uganda - Improving quality and access to medical services

Tristan and Megan Crilley

Cambodia - Relationship builders and Jesus lovers

Ryan and Anna Cuthel

Kenya - Supporting missions and community transformation

Gary and Hannah Cully

Philippines - Bringing hope and healing to survivors of significant trauma

Linda Hansen

Africa - Changing lives for club foot sufferers

Ruth and Murray Larwill

Cambodia & Philippines - Bringing hope and healing to survivors of significant trauma

Stephen and Karen Conwell

Thailand - Educators spreading Jesus’ love

Neil and Gwen Wetzig

D R Congo - Capacity building medical staff

Dave and Jenni Neibling

Japan and Australia - Discipling and mobilising young Christians

Aaron and Chandini Gibson

Brisbane - Sharing Jesus with university students

Jacques and Keziah Laidlaw

Brisbane - Sharing Jesus with university students

Roger and Monique

South Asia - Supporting community development

Peter and Sylvia Jones

Brisbane - Loving and helping migrants, refugees and seafarers

We’re ready to respond in our hurting and heartbroken world

With 20 million people impacted by what has been referred to as the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945, people are battling starvation in conflict- and drought-affected Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria, and more going hungry in northern Kenya and Ethiopia. The numbers are staggering and the stories are heartbreaking.

Gateway Beyond workers Ryan and Anna Cuthel and their three boys are based in Nairobi, Kenya where Ryan is Country Director for MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) serving people in isolated areas of Africa. Northern Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan are just a few short hours by plane from Nairobi and MAF is strategically positioned to help aid efforts for those who are starving. A new MAF sub-base in Marsabit is located within a drought affected district, ready to help partner organisations quickly reach those in need.

Your giving to Gateway Beyond enables people like Ryan and Anna to be on the ground and ready to respond in our hurting, heartbroken and hungry world.


Make it your mission to give