We worship one, eternal God in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable and infinitely good, revealing Himself as loving and personal.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God that reveals God’s plan for salvation. The Bible is addressed to all people and is the final authority for faith and conduct.
We believe that God created all things visible and invisible, and that He continues to care for His creation. God made man and woman in his own image intending that humankind live in fellowship with Him and with one another.
We believe that sin separates everyone from God. Sin is the attitude of independence and disobedience towards God, causing us to forfeit the destiny God planned. The outcome is eternal separation from God.
We believe that God the Father, showed His grace, love and mercy by sending Jesus the Son, to be born of the virgin Mary. Jesus lived a perfect earthly life, died on a cross for the forgiveness of our sins and rose again to life in His body. Jesus has now ascended to heaven where he intercedes for us until He returns.
We believe that Jesus, both fully divine and fully human, is the only mediator between God and humankind. We affirm salvation is a free and gracious gift from God to all who turn from their sin, place their faith in Jesus as their Saviour and declare Jesus to be their Lord.
Holy Spirit
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit who was sent by God to continue the work of salvation. He draws people to Jesus, equipping and empowering them to be more like their Saviour, Jesus Christ.
How we live
We believe that every Christian is accountable to God for living a life of worship demonstrated by separation from sin, loving one another and contributing in work and action to the spread of the good news.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church. The Church is Christ’s body of believers who have personally come to faith in Him. We affirm that by declaring the good news of God’s kingdom, the local Church is the hope of the world. The local Church provides opportunity for worship, fellowship and discipleship for believers.
Baptism and Communion
We believe that Jesus commanded His Church to observe Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We affirm that Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water after declaration of faith in Jesus and that by observing the Lord’s Supper we remember the death of Jesus until he returns.
Our Commission
We believe that it is in God’s heart to draw people to himself from every tribe and language and people group and nation. God desires for everyone the opportunity to trust in Him and worship Him forever. We affirm that Jesus’ command that His followers take His message of salvation to all nations and make disciples is central to the calling of His Church.
Jesus' return
We believe that at an unknown moment in the future, Jesus will return personally and visibly to judge the living and the dead, overthrow evil and establish forever God’s promised Kingdom. Unbelievers will be eternally separated from God, but believers will forever enjoy God’s presence in the New Heaven and New Earth.