As a member, you say, 'I belong here' and you affirm our mission to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Throughout the New Testament, believers clearly identified themselves with a local church and were challenged to become committed members. They helped others grow as followers of Jesus and supported one another in their mission.
Membership benefits individuals. It helps all of us to move from only having good intentions to participating fully. Your decision to become a member shows your desire to belong and contribute to our Gateway family.
Formal membership is valuable and assists leaders of the church as they care for the church and nurture a core team who they can count on to build and sustain the church’s ministries
About membership
Gateway Baptist Church is structured as a company limited by guarantee. By applying to be a member, you must:
be at least 18 years old
complete the membership application form
have your application approved by the Membership Committee*
agree to Gateway Baptist Church's Statement of Faith
commit to the Membership Covenant
agree to be bound by Gateway Baptist Church's Constitution, acknowledging a guarantee^ up to $10
It is our hope that, if you commit to membership, you will engage in membership processes including attending (either in person or via proxy) members meetings and forums. We encourage you to attend Gateway for at least 6 months before applying for membership so you can get to know the Gateway family and make an informed choice about becoming a formal member.
*the application form asks whether you have been baptised by immersion as a believer. If you have not, this does not necessarily preclude you from becoming a Member at Gateway, however you may be asked to give some more information about your faith journey.
^ this payment is only required in the unlikely event that Gateway Baptist Church ceases to exist as a company limited by guarantee.
Membership Covenant
Our God is faithful and gracious towards us. Having received Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we recognise that God has called us to live in community with himself and his people, and to follow Jesus together.
As members of Gateway Baptist Church
We affirm our commitment to love God by:
regularly spending time in God’s word and in prayer
expressing our worship through regular participation in Sunday services
seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit for our lives and our Church.
We affirm our commitment to love one another by:
speaking the truth in love and forgiving one another
caring for those in need with grace and mercy
guarding our unity and the integrity of our Church and our leaders.
We affirm our commitment to live for Jesus by:
bringing our lives into alignment with Jesus' teaching and example
giving generously and sacrificially of our time, gifts and finances to see God's vision for this Church become a reality
sharing the life changing message of Jesus with those we meet in our community, our nation and our world.
We, the members of Gateway Baptist Church, affirm our commitment to live for God’s glory as we worship, fellowship and share His love.
Gateway operates with transparency and accountability. We strive to have prayerful leadership guided by God's purpose for our church.
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