See how you can find your place in community, discover practical faith and grow closer to Jesus.
What happens at church?
A typical Gateway service goes for 70–90 minutes and starts with worship, then some information about what's going on at church, a message from a pastor, and an opportunity to respond to the message. If you'd like, you can come to the front after the service and someone will pray with you.
You can be involved as much or as little as you like. There is no pressure to do things like raise your hands during worship, give money or respond to the message. Our welcome team members and pastors are happy to talk with you about anything that happens in a service if you're not sure.
Is there a place for my kids?
Families of all kinds come to Gateway. Every campus runs programs for kids during the service, where your kids can play games, meet new friends and learn about Jesus. Kidlings is for little ones, Kidzone for primary-aged kids, and Youth for highschoolers. Choose a campus to see more details.
Your kids are also welcome to stay with you during the service, and there are parents rooms where you can watch the service and look after your little one.
How do I meet people?
It can be daunting going somewhere for the first time, but we're here to help. The easiest way to get started is to say hello to one of our welcome team members. You can't miss them—they're the ones in the blue shirts. They will introduce you to people similar to you and tell you more about how you can feel like you belong in no time.