For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14
Journey through the captivating story of Esther in this four-week life group series, where you'll explore God's unseen hand at work even when His name is not mentioned.
Sometimes, life’s circumstances make it easy to doubt that the ever-present God we read about in Scripture could be present in our own stories. When we sense God’s absence, events that once seemed providential may feel coincidental, and choices that once felt right or wrong can appear inconsequential. In the book of Esther, God’s name is never mentioned.
Yet He is there, working quietly behind the scenes and through His people to fulfil His purposes. We see God in moments that may appear as mere coincidences, yet reveal His timely provision. We see Him in the courage of His people, who remain faithful in the face of threats around them.
Although His name goes unspoken, His presence and power are unmistakable. As we delve into this ancient story, we’ll find it both captivating and complex. Some parts may even feel offensive or outdated by today’s cultural standards. But by keeping the book’s context and genre in mind, we can glimpse the greater story being woven—the story of a God who, though unseen, arranges events and equips His people to fulfil His promises.
In this four-week series, we’ll journey through the whole story of Esther, yet each week we will pause to focus on a single moment. What might seem insignificant at first glance becomes a testament to what God is doing and how His people are responding. Even when His name remains unmentioned, we’ll see that He is indeed there, working through every twist and turn.