Fully Devoted Kids

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Acts 2:42

Fully Devoted family book

A booklet full of practical ideas, Bible readings, and activities to help kids and families follow Jesus every day.

Family rhythms planner

The Family Rhythms Planner is a practical resource designed to help families create intentional habits that reflect the love of Jesus in everyday life.

Learn to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus

Have you ever tried to learn a new skill, like playing a sport, learning an instrument, or creating something amazing? To get better, you have to practice, listen to instructions, learn from others, and give it your best—not just sometimes, but all the time!

Following Jesus is a bit like that. He invites us to spend time with Him, learn from Him, and live like Him. The more we follow Him, the more we experience His love and the full life He has for us! But following Jesus isn’t just about knowing who He is—it’s about being fully devoted to Him, putting Him first in everything we do.

The Bible tells us about the first church in Acts 2. These people loved Jesus and showed their devotion by praying, learning, sharing, and helping others. Just like practising a skill helps us improve, these habits help us grow in faith!

This term, we’ll explore how we can become fully devoted followers of Jesus, too! We’ll discover simple and fun ways to spend time with Him, become more like Him, and share His love with the world around us.

Video messages

Return here after Sunday to see messages from this series.

Message podcasts

No matter the day of the week, you can always catch up on audio messages from your campus.

City messages


Logan messages


Mackenzie 5pm messages


Mackenzie messages


Ormeau messages


Redlands messages
