
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing

John 15:5

Prayer wallpaper

Save this Prayer of Relinquishment as your phone wallpaper to surrender yourself to Jesus throughout each day

Journal guide

Follow the daily plan through the Gospel of John, listening for the Holy Spirit's voice and responding with heartfelt prayers as you grow in faith and understanding of God’s Word.

Make your home in Him

Jesus invites us into a relationship where we are called to trust in Him for both eternal and abundant life. In John 15:1-15, He uses the metaphor of the vine and branches: He is the vine, and we are the branches.

The key to a life that is clean, fruitful, dependent, and obedient—a truly abundant life—is to remain in Him. The Greek word translated as ‘remain,’ meno, means to stay, endure, and remain steadfast. It suggests a commitment to stay rooted in purpose, to be unwavering mentally, spiritually, and physically. Through life’s trials, highs, and challenges, Jesus invites us to keep on abiding in Him.

This word also appears in Jesus’s words in John 14, “My Father’s house has many rooms...We will come to them and make our home with them” (John 14:2, 23), where meno is reflected in the notion of dwelling together.

As Eugene Peterson puts it, “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you.” This powerful image of shared life points to the abundance that flows when we remain rooted in Jesus. In a world marked by tension and anxiety, what it needs most is the embodied presence of Jesus.

As the vine, He continues to grow, and we, His branches, are called to remain in Him—clean, fruitful, dependent, and obedient.

Message podcasts

No matter the day of the week, you can always catch up on audio messages from your campus.

City messages


Logan messages


Mackenzie 5pm messages


Mackenzie messages


Ormeau messages


Redlands messages
