God calls each one of us to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). As His disciples, when we make it our mission to get involved in the things on God’s heart, He takes what we offer and blesses, multiples and uses it to touch the lives of others. Gateway short-term teams are an opportunity to partner with God and others to meet needs. This is sometimes achieved in practical ways, but always with the love and motivation of sharing the life-changing message of Jesus. Your life will be impacted and transformed as you see the lives of others touched, so come and join us for a 1–3 week short-term experience.

Toowoomba 24 August – 1 September 2024

This outreach will be ministering to the refugee Yezidi community through intentional relationship building. The ministry we will be involved in will be things like English conversational classes, home visitations, homework help, and possibly running a soccer or sports clinic etc.

DR Congo late August–mid September 2024

This is an opportunity for skilled medical and paramedical professionals to participate in an AusHEAL multidisciplinary medical team and work with Beyond workers, Neil and Gwen, in Goma. Team members are selected on the basis of their skill set. The team will work alongside Congolese colleagues to create an effective witness of quality medical care delivered in the name of Jesus.

Murgon 14–21 September 2024

This will be an opportunity for a team to minister with a local church by running a vacation bible program in the community as well as a host of other outreach activities.

Brisbane 17–21 September 2024

This outreach will offer an opportunity to engage in building friendships and intentional relationships with refugee families and a host of others in our communities across Brisbane.

Uganda 4–19 October 2024

This will be an amazing outreach opportunity to partner with Gateway Beyond workers. From ministering alongside of local chaplains in surrounding villages, leading devotions among hospital staff at Yotkom, to partnering with YWAM workers to bring the message of Jesus to the unreached communities, the possibilities of having a kingdom impact are immense.

Kenya 18 October–3 November 2024

This team will be engaged in practical ministry to the street children of Nairobi and to helping teach and disciple youth. We will minister together with one of our long-term Gateway Beyond workers.

Bangladesh 29 Dec–12 Jan 2025

This team will minister alongside local partners to encourage staff and provide practical care to beneficiaries. We'll visit rural villages, urban slums and remote medical centres. Prepare to experience God's love in a place vastly different from Australia.

India 12–26 January 2025

This will be an amazing outreach to the Indian state of Maharashtra, known as the commercial Gateway of India. This team will have opportunity to be involved in a whole host of ministry in both Mumbai city and the hills of Lonavala. Ministering in poor communities, home visits, children’s programs, Mother Theresa’s home etc.

PNG 21 June–5July 2025

This outreach will partner with long-term YWAM workers, ministering to communities and villages around Port Moresby. There will be opportunities to share about Jesus, disciple youth, minister to children, pray for the sick and help strengthen the local church.

Let us know your interest

If you are interested in joining a short term mission team, please let us know by completing an expression of interest. We will then contact you when short-term team opportunities are available in the future.

Expression of interest