Chief Financial Officer

Gateway Baptist Church is seeking a Chief Financial Officer to lead its Finance Team, and financial and strategic plans, into the future.

Gateway Baptist Church is a multi-campus congregation, meeting in 5 physical locations as well as its own dedicated Online Campus, with approximately 5500 people calling Gateway their Church home. Gateway also operates various Care and Missions ministries, both locally and overseas.

Gateway Baptist Church is seeking a full time Chief Financial Officer to lead its Finance Team, and financial and strategic plans, into the future.

The Chief Financial Officer will oversee the day-to-day leadership and management of the entire finance, financial reporting, compliance, insurance and banking operations of Gateway Baptist Church and its various associated entities. This role will be responsible for the management of all staff associated with these functions as well as volunteers where appropriate. Additionally, this role will participate in governance practices within the church, being responsible for, in conjunction with the Executive Pastor, the development of the financial planning, budget forecasting and controls of the Strategic Plan and Annual Operating Plans, and the oversight of the related compliance reporting and accountability functions that serve the Board of Elders, their various subcommittees, and the Senior Leadership Team of the Church.

To apply for this role, please request an Application Pack from the Church by sending an email to Kate Petersen, Operations Director, or calling (07) 32915900 during office hours.

position description




Full time

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how to apply

Email to request an Application Pack
